NASA Reveals Earth and Sun Orbit a Common Barycenter

Nasa has revealed that Earth does not revolve around the Sun in the traditional sense. Instead, Earth and the Sun orbit a common point called the barycenter. The barycenter is the center of mass of two or more celestial bodies that orbit each other due to gravitational interaction.
The barycenter of the Sun-Earth system does not lie within the Sun but rather slightly outside its surface due to the gravitational influence of Earth and other planets like Jupiter and Saturn. This influence causes the barycenter to shift outside the Sun at times, meaning that Earth’s trajectory around the Sun is more accurately described as orbiting this common center of mass.
Newton’s law of gravitation explains that all bodies exert gravitational force on each other. Thus, both the Sun and Earth pull on each other, resulting in their mutual orbit around the barycenter. An example of this can be seen in the Pluto-Charon system, where both bodies orbit a shared barycenter, creating a dynamic interaction in space.

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